Greensboro News & Record
Annette Ayres Oct 27, 2023

GREENSBORO — The northernmost trestle bridge on the Atlantic and Yadkin Greenway, between Strawberry Road and Bur-Mil Park, will be closed to all traffic.

The bridge won’t reopen until it can be replaced and no paved detour route will be available, according to a news release from the city.

City officials said the closure is necessary based on the findings and recommendations of an engineering firm that completed a structural assessment in late September of the greenway’s two bridges spanning Lake Brandt.

The city is prioritizing efforts to bring that section of greenway up to design standards and is pursuing the funding for its planning and construction. Preliminary cost estimates are $2.5 million, according to the city.

To that end, the Greensboro Urban Metropolitan Planning Organization is seeking federal funding in the amount of $2 million, which will be combined with a $500,000 local match, according to the news release. The design and permitting is expected to begin in early 2024 with construction in 2025, due to, among other things, the sensitive watershed habitat surrounding the bridge.

“This is a very important greenway and we are eager to initiate the work necessary to improve and expand it,” Parks and Recreation Director Phil Fleischmann said in a statement. “We regret that the bridge closure is necessary and understand that this causes a significant disruption to those who use the greenway for transportation and recreation north of Bur-Mil Park.”

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